Pricing Plans
£45 an Hour for Individuals
£50 an Hour for Schools, Colleges and Companies.
£50 per Hour and Half for Students/Volunteers
£45 an Hour for Individuals
Questions & Concerns
Where do I get started?
All you need to do is email, ring or send me a text message. I will reply as soon as possible to arrange a convenient time and day for our first session.
What happens at the end of the paid period?
The number of counselling sessions needed varies for each individual
You can either continue counselling sessions or end. This all depends on how you are feeling. We can discuss progress and if any more sessions are needed.
Can I cancel if I do not like the treatment?
Counselling is not for everyone. You can cancel at any time, all I ask is that you give 24 hours notice.
How do I know if there is a progress?
You will know within yourself. Your feelings may have changed or negative emotions lessened. Anxiety will have subsided and your thoughts will alter or the way you think.
Do subscribers get a bonus for shopping?
What are the books' and mags' delivery terms?